Wednesday, December 16, 2020

One Person, One Vote, Oh the Fraud!

 In this country we get to vote at various times for the people who will represent us.  Assuming more than one person is running, there is a winner and a loser.  Since we are all American citizens who mostly want the same things, the losers are expected to congratulate the winner, wish him/her the best and maybe run again next opportunity.

Poor losers have been frowned upon because it is in bad taste and also because it calls into question the very basis of our democracy.

We have seen the spectacle of the sore loser in this last election and the fact that it is not being wildly condemned is scary.

The attacks on our fundamental basis of Government is the first step to tyranny.

If elections can't be trusted maybe we should adopt the system widely used in dictatorships of selecting the leader and then making people act like they voted for him.

Free and fair elections are so fundamental that the recent attacks on them have been easily rebuffed in the courts if not in the minds of the public.

If in fact there was any real demonstrable evidence it should be disclosed.  What we seem to have is an assumption that the election must have been fraudulent and lots of semi ridiculous theories presented to try to convince people.

The fact that we have media out there engaging in pure speculation because, I think this is the latest, the fraudsters are so good we can't prove they exist.

Maybe they don't.

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