Thursday, December 3, 2020

Time to Restore America

 All the differences being highlighted between Progressives and Moderates are really not very important.  It mostly has to do with the speed of change, not the change itself.  

What we would like is for America to clean itself up.  We want to leave our children and grand children the opportunity to grow up in an America that they can be as proud of as the one we did.

I grew up believing how this country was the world leader and while as I got older I realized we had problems both overseas and at home it never occurred to me that we were the villain's.

Some of our corporations were purely interested in profit and the chase for the almighty dollar led them to do some things that weren't right like promote bad products or hide defects, I didn't blame America, I blamed greedy corporations.

We then let money take over the political process and it led to political corruption.

We need to restore the values America stood for.

Clean up politics, restore civility and common goals.

Clean up the environment, our descendants deserve a clean world.

Clean up social justice, no one should be oppressed over the color of their skin or their beliefs.

Clean up our finances, we need to leave a clean balance sheet.

Clean up our health care system, everyone should get excellent care when needed.

Clean up our electoral system, don't suppress voters and get rid of undemocratic institutions.

Clean up our foreign entanglements, we should be a force for good, not oppression or assassinations.

Clean up our educational system, everyone should have the opportunity to excel.

Its pretty simple, make America Good again and it will be great.  .Some of these items might take some time to achieve but they are worth it.

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