Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Investigate What?

 Many Americans were convinced by the losing candidate in the election that there was massive fraud.  There wasn't.  

Multiple court cases failed to produce any significant evidence.

The Justice Department said nothing was there.

Our cyber people said it was a clean election.

Every State certified the results.

The rantings of a not very stable loser doesn't indicate any fraud, just rantings to raise money from followers.  

They are not easily persuaded people, they have drunk the Kool-Aid and that's the end of that.

So some Conservatives are saying the new President should investigate the fraud allegations to put concerns to rest?

Why, didn't we just have over a month of the "best" legal minds trying to find it?  

They couldn't.

Maybe we should launch a probe to get to the bottom of the quality issues at Santa's workshop?  What kind of warranty do you get?

I was always curious about where the Easter Bunny got all those eggs?

How come the Tooth Fairy never pays taxes?

These are more relevant issues than imaginary fraud that lots of people have tried to prove.

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