Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Vote for Principled Candidates or get This

 One of the things that helps politicians and every one else is to be a person with principles.  You can use those principles to help guide you in a consistent approach to life, work, politics etc.

Republicans, at least many of them, dropped their principles to follow a fickle would be dictator.

The ones with principles have generally retired or decided to kowtow to keep their jobs.

The way we conduct primaries is supposed to be democratic but if people don't vote they aren't.

So having a corps group of loyalists who will turn out to vote against anyone who defies you was a powerful weapon.

To some extent the democratic party has the same issue, but the progressive movement is more like the tea party movement than the current situation in Trumpsville.

If you want to be the Republican candidate you have to win the primary.  In many parts of the country, another non-democratic symptom, being either the Republican candidate or the Democratic candidate is a near guarantee of victory.

Is it shared values or simply tradition?  Maybe a little of both.

So holding on to your principles is likely to cost you your job and either you drop them or you get replaced with someone who will.

The voters are really at fault, they need to vote in the primaries and vote based on issues, not party.

That's not happening anytime soon, sadly.

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