Friday, December 18, 2020

Sad Its Come to This

 Even though the election is over we see the right wing media on a campaign to attack the Bidens not Joe particularly but his wife and son.

The attacks on Hunter are filled with unproven accusations and lots of pre investigation convictions.  It is possible that he didn't pay his full taxes but the rest of it has been debunked already and probably will be again.  Still the issue is that after a campaign where no holds were barred and hearings that were not very friendly we know that while it may not have been the wisest choice, his behavior was not a factor on his father's actions.

More importantly, he was not and still isn't a Government employee.  The attacks are being made simply because of who his father is and if it turns out he owes some back taxes or if in some way his employment was wrong it is simply not relevant to anything.  There are thousands of tax investigations ongoing and lots of people occupy jobs they may not be fully qualified for.  People don't rant about them.

I don't know if Hunter is guilty of anything and I don't really care.  To date there has been nothing indicating it had anything to do with our Government during the Obama years.  Some will believe it did, but we now live in a World where accusations backed by little to no proof are major news on some channels.

The attacks continue on this family as we see Dr. Jill Biden's use of her title attacked.  No one is saying she didn't earn the degree from an accredited University, they just are attacking her use of it and further whether she deserved it or not.  It was granted to her by an accredited University and she had to defend it at the time.  Is the second guessing going to proceed to every doctorate awarded?  Its clearly a politically motivated attack with no real point.  Use it or don't use it doesn't impact anything.  Are they simply jealous?  

Baseless accusations about non-issues are apparently all they have.  Why it would matter is more the point.  The attacks tell you more about the mean spiritness of the attackers who have not real issues to bring up. 

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