Thursday, December 24, 2020

Power Plays

 One of the impacts of a complex society is that strong leaders tend to rise.  The reason for this is that democratic societies don't make decisions quickly when the issues are complex.

Conversely, once you have a strong central leader forces immediately try to undermine it since controversial decision always have losers.

The current LameAss spent most of his time consolidating his hold on the Republican Party and not the nation as a whole.  He may have thought that was enough but it isn't.

The Republican party represents a minority of Americans but has been able vis voter suppression, Gerrymandering and our electoral college and Senate to hold on to a certain amount of power.

Their base is dying off and they are not appealing to young and diverse electorates, at least not enough to hold power.

They have lost the House and the Presidency and possibly the Senate.

Currently of course they are at the mercy of the LameAss who is taking his pot shots at those he feels betrayed him.

That is a long list and the list is growing.  He may actually get Republicans to split away, but they have lost the ability to stand up to him.

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