Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Killer Bees or Murder Wasps?

 Some people want America to be a Christian White country. They don't see the need for diversity and don't like change.

Others want America to be inclusive and take advantage of the gifts and talents of all the people in the world.

The first group is in decline mostly because of demographics.  Still if history is any indicator the people viewed as problems for them today may be them in the future.

We have seen this before as Eastern Europeans, Southern Europeans and at one point the Irish were viewed as disruptive.

It almost seems silly today.

Now we see an influx of Latinos from Central America and Asians.  Those that came here years ago have generally assimilated.  Even though many of them came here as refugees fleeing a brutal regime they don't particularly have special concern for other populations fleeing harsh conditions.

I say special concern because obviously they are not all the same.

The Acronym WASP may become inaccurate as the number of White Anglo Saxon Protestants become less white, less Anglo Saxon and less protestant, but the ideas will continue.

Its what always happens.

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