Monday, November 30, 2020

Moderates Compromise for America

 As we await the transition on January 20 I see story after story about how either the left or the right is going to prevent or protest Biden's picks.

Well he is a moderate and most of his picks will be moderates too.  Now he is a left of center moderate so we will see a move to universal health care, a fairer tax system for the middle class, climate and environmental regulations and a move towards more social programs and less military ones.

Will any of this be extreme?

No and it shouldn't be.

We just had four year of radical nationalism where the country regressed from improving social programs and hurt health care, hurt the climate and gave billionaires a nice tax break.

The way a democracy should work is that the majority of the country prevails in what they want.

Unfortunately we have become way too partisan.

No one seems to understand the concept of compromise and negotiation where the outcome is not radical simply what is best for America.

Maybe we can relearn that?

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