Friday, November 13, 2020

The Future is Coming

The issue that hurts Democrats a lot is the changing demographics of Government and the way people think about the future.  

There is a lot of underlying racism in America but not just the kind where you actively disseminate.  There are many people in this country who have problems thinking about a future America where whites are not dominant.

Of course the demographics show this is going to happen and while the projections are that non-Hispanic whites will be a minority in about 25 years.

The issue with this is that non-Hispanic part.  Of course being Asian or Black isn't really an issue, its just the way the numbers are portrayed.

For those who envisions a Norman Rockville idea of America, this seems troublesome.  Of course most of those people, or at least a good percentage of them won't still be around.

This "fear" that America is being invaded and destroyed is actually not a new one.  In fact if you consider the way it is phrased, non-English people seized the majority long ago.

It is not actually a problem, simply a statistic.  Still it is part of the white supremacist's credo and when you hear them chanting about how they won't be replaced they are referring to this statistic.

They are not going to be replaced simply ignored eventually.  In 25 years if you are still alive will possibly still be an issue but the non-whites aren't going to gang up on the whites.  

They will be playing Golf with the at the club.

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