Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Election Blues

 Well now we wait while all the votes are counted.  The states we are waiting on are no real surprise since they were targeted from the beginning.

There are also archaic laws to deal with and we already know that the process will be challenged and probably delayed by court challenges.

Pennsylvania is going to take awhile, since they couldn't start to process mail in ballots until election day itself.  Election day was consumed by dealing with the in person voters.

Right now the election is still very much up for grabs as because of the method of processing votes, the mail in ballots are generally processed last.

It doesn't have to be this way but unfortunately it is and for now we just have to wait.

Its likely, although not certain, that the northern states will turn blue and maybe even Georgia.

If so Biden will win.  If not we have another four years of tweetstormer.

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