Wednesday, November 11, 2020


 What we see happening now is the impact of a demagogue who has loyal followers and no sense of history or decency.

The election result is in and its not going to change.

What we are seeing are a series of meaningless lawsuits designed to drag the process out and go to a scenario where the election results are tossed.

This lawsuit strategy is not new to Trump, he has used it frequently and still uses it to hide his tax returns.

Unless there is actually something to make a case on it won't delay the results but its a bit despicable.

It is harmful t the country from the sense that it aims to delay the peaceful transition of power and might set back the new administration somewhat.

Of course what did we expect from a failed New York real estate developer who dodged the draft, sexually abused women, cheated on all of his wives, and is unable to tell the truth?

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