Monday, November 23, 2020

Its A Public Duty

 I keep reading reports about how some of the people dying of Covid-19 deny to the very end that the disease is real.  I don't know if that is dedication or gullibility.

The question I have for these people, mostly Trump supporters, is why is there hero so interested in the vaccine for this hoax?

I am a firm believer in individual liberty, however that has limitations.  You can't fire a gun if someone is in the way. Similarly, not wearing a mask is fine until you come in contact with other people.

Those other people have rights to, equal to your own.  You can't go around infecting them so either you stay alone of wear a mask in public.

You may be selfish and entitled but this is a real disease.  Public health takes priority.

Your logic would allow nudists to stroll around anywhere they want.  They don't even pose a threat to anyone.

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