Saturday, November 21, 2020


 Our biggest loser ever doesn't seem to accept that fact.

His failure to act honorably isn't new or the fact that he is tell lies is no suprise.

Still "intelligent" people who joined the Republican cult seem to be going along.

The facts are clear but what is even worse is that the allegation is so obviously made up as to be ridiculous.

Most States have significant Republican presence in Government, in fact most of the swing states have majority Republican legislatures. 

So for this wide spead conspiracy to work, they all would have to be in on it or be fools.

Further, in most states the people who count the votes have representatives from both parties participate.

So all of those people would have to be involved.

Finally the major media would all have to suppress any investigative reporter trying to make a name for himself.  

It is not credible or sensible.

Yet a majority of Republicans seem to believe it.



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