Saturday, November 7, 2020

Make the Call!

If you have been following the election there is only one logical conclusion, Biden has won.

The result was called by Decision Desk but the major networks are not following suit.

However while there is still a mathematical chance, nearly non-existent but still there, they are waiting.  however everyone who isn't blinded by partisanship, knows the outcome.

The lead in Pennsylvania is growing larger and larger and there is no real possibility that votes will be found to turn it around.  

Similarly Nevada is clearly decided even if they count slowly.

Georgia is also pretty clear although it is possibly the one most likely to reverse.

Arizona has been called by two of the major players and it looks like they were right (the Math is clear).

What is even more significant is that the cominations for a Biden victory at this point are multiple while there is no real path for Trump.

Its time that the networks call the obvious and stop being afraid of being called fake news.

Not calling the obvious is as fake as it gets.


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