Sunday, November 15, 2020

Modern Know Nothings

 One of the questions that probably will never be answered is whether Trump is a cause or an effect.

Clearly he touched upon a certain current in the American political landscape that promotes what seems to be a authoritarian agenda, although it pretends to be about liberty.

One could argue that they are fighting big Government although there is very little evidence of that.  They seem to want to disenfranchise anyone who doesn't look like them.

We had a previous movement that was very similar in the 1800 called the know-nothing movement.  It is a bit of a historical footnote but maybe we need to understand it a bit better.

It was primarily opposed to immigration, especially at that time the immigration of Irish Catholics who were going to destroy our way of life.

Sound a bit familiar?

These immigrants were taking American jobs and serving as agents of the pope who was going to take over America.

The Irish were mostly coming because of the potato famine.

Of course now it is Mexicans or other Hispanics who threten our way of life.

The know nothings of the 1800s ran a candidate for President but lost. 

The point is that we have an ongoing problem in this country which has been long recognized in real estate, where the person moving in doesn't want future changes.  Of course the irony is that he/she is a change to what was there.

How long Trump will remain their leader after January is an open question.  His interest may fade especially if he gets distracted and he is easily distracted.

I guess he will milk every cent he can from them first.

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