Sunday, November 1, 2020

Its Not a Hoax

People were asked to wear masks in public and social distance.  Failure to do those simple things would result in additional virus deaths.

We have reached new levels, worse than we had previously, at least nationally.  

It didn't fade away or become harmless, it is raging across the states that didn't believe they were at risk.

I sometimes wonder if we, as a country, have lost common sense?

We have lost respect for science even in our Government.  Scientists aren't making these things up.

Sometimes the latest evidence changes a previous theory.  However that is not as common as some would like you to believe.  It is possible that newly discovered evidence may tell us that there used to be water on the Moon, we are not going to find that Climate Change is not caused by man.  One is at best speculative and distant and the other is all around us.

Wear a mask, wash your hands, stay socially distanced and stay away from large groups for both your safety and the safety of those you love.

Its not hard and the alternative can be deadly.

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