Friday, November 20, 2020

Some Thoughts

People are normally worried about how their actions impact politics.  Analysts are.

When people protested for Black Lives Matter they did it because it allowed them to express their outrage.  Some used it as an opportunity to loot and destroy property and while that was a small number of the total, they were able, with the help of some media to poison the water so to speak.

Did this help or hurt electing sympathetic candidates?  Probably it hurt overall but I think that is a difficult question.

If you look at the election results there is a fair amount of hand wringing over how the Democrats underachieved.  Yes we held on to the House and still have a chance at the Senate (slim but possible) and won the Presidential election fairly easily in the popular vote and by a decisive marging in the electoral college.  Still the polls indicated a blue wave which didn't materialize.

Once again the pundits will spend the next four years analyzing that but the election got a large turnout, to some extent thanks to mail in ballots.  While I believe many traditional Republicans likely voted for Biden they didn't abandon their party on the rest of the ticket.  

Each race is based on local factors and there is some evidence that too much national involvement is not a good thing and causes a reaction.  All politics are local and being attacked at the National level may backfire since it increases name recognition and the spite factor.

We have in this country strong divisions and some of that is more cultural than political.  The liberal establishment is viewed as a enemy in much of the country since they are changing America.  Some of the vote for Trump in 2016 and this year was to show them who's boss!  

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