Friday, November 27, 2020


 When you look at America today there just seem to be a lot of people who feel that they've been wronged.

This seems to be fired up by certain news media that simply wants to get customers.

I gather the culprit is either the Government or Society as a whole in most cases.

We have of course people who have a legitimate complaint because they have in fact been discriminated because of something like race, sexual preference or age.  Of course this is more a societal problem that is going to be hard to fix.

Can the Government even fix it?  Probably not, it requires long held societal beliefs to change.  It has gotten better or at least less overt in many cases.

This brings us to the privileged white people, many of whom don't know they are privileged feeling oppressed by help given to the historically oppressed.  If you don't get into a school it probably isn't because you are white.

Any actual evaluation shows that white people fare better in almost everything in this country, as a group.

The historical trends show that more white children grow up in better circumstances than most black children and that impacts the rest of your life in many cases.

Consider this for a second.  A poor white child growing up next to a poor black child and both of them strive to be successes.  If they were to get the same grades, take the same courses, go to the same schools and graduate college, buy nice suits and go on job interviews, only one of them will remain identifiable just because of the color of his skin.  

It is generally not an advantage.

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