Sunday, November 29, 2020

Lies and Treason?

 The main issue we have with our elections is how the system allows minority parties to have excessive representation.

Yes we were formed as the United States, not the United People so the constitution spreads power by state rather than population.

The Senate is the least Democratic part of the Government, at least considering voter representation.

A senator in a big state like California represents more people the both senators from 40 states.

In fact he/she represents more people than are in the lowest ten states population wise, who get to elect 20 senators.

It clearly isn't something we are going to fix since it would require the small states to give up a tremendous amount of power they now have.

There are no significant amounts of fraudulent voting and clearly the issues with uneven representation far outweigh any that might exist.

The attacks on the recent election are odd considering that in 2016 we elected someone who lost the popular vote by millions but managed to win the electoral college.  I've seen his supporters act like he was somehow victimized which indicates a level of blind loyalty that has no real place in a democracy.

Unfortunately the trends in America don't look good for the continuing of our democracy, if we can even call it that.  We now question the very basis of it when we question the integrity of the officials running it.

Its treasonous and dangerous and the public needs to realize this.

Sadly it doesn't.

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