Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Bully Puppet

Twenty-one hundred died the other day from the Trump virus. 

It is the legacy of his administration.

Not a border wall he never really built, not new trade agreements that didn't really change much, not his foreign dalliances that led to a greater nuclear threat in North Korea and Iran while turning Afghanistan back to the opium trading, women suppressing Taliban.

Perhaps something will come out of his Supreme Court appointees, but nothing is certain there.  

The two things he will be remembered for is the deadly virus he failed to adequately address and his ornery nature and tweets.

He really is almost all bluster and very little substance and the bluster was pretty effective in the phony world of Washington.

It also appeals to a certain part of the populations that fails like they are on the outside and are happy to see insiders taken down a notch or two.

However ultimately it changes nothing and accomplishes nothing.

Like most schoolyard bullies, he can't actually stand up to anyone.

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