Sunday, November 8, 2020

Time to Get Back to America, Land of the Free

The current president has entered lame duck status.

It fits.

The point however is to ignore him as much as possible.

There are, let me call them real republicans and then there are people who simply like Trump.

They take different positions from Democrats on certain issues, but generally they are not lets say overly racist or white supremacists'. They probably are somewhat but they manage to suppress the darkest aspects of it.

However they are willing to tolerate the extremists in order to get some policies they want.

\Some are anti abortion for religious reasons others are anti-immigrant because they have been convinced they cost them money (studies show otherwise).

Some of the things they believe in, like smaller government requires an underlying belief that helping others is an individual choice and not a societal one.

Then there are the ones that are properly considered deplorable, not because they supported Trump but because they espouse beliefs that are misogynistic, racist and a few other isms.

In general they don't care about the other issues except immigration.

They think minorities are going to replace them and instead of trying to have more children they want to suppress them.  

There are valid predictions that in a certain period of time the number of "white" people will be exceeded by the number of "brown" people.  However, as is easily observable your origin is very instructive of anything.  We have a number of Republican senators from Hispanic backgrounds who are every bit as racist as their white counterparts.  

Assuming the rest of the dog whistle republicans slow down, these people will soon lose interest in things like tax rates or deficit reduction.

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