Thursday, November 19, 2020

Address issues Not Fallacies

 The election is over although we are still seeing desperate court filings and unfortunately an ongoing dis-information campaign that seems designed to raise money.

We still have other problems which need attention.

The virus is almost unchecked in many parts of the country and while it appears vaccines are close we have the winter and spring to contend with.  Precautions need to be taken and it will always ultimately require individuals to take precautions.  Those who don't are public health hazards (also put themselves at risk but that's fine) and should be dealt with.

We are so odd sometimes.  A sign that says no shoes no service in beach areas is OK but a sign saying masks are required are not?  

The virus is at crises levels but climate change may have already passed that point.  It is not going to be easy to reverse and undo the damage already done.  It will be harder if the Senate remains uncooperative.

We also are seeing articles highlighting potential dissension among Democrats.  That is nothing new but these really need to play out in real life before anyone panics.

Iran and North Korea are unchecked and two of the biggest blunders of the last administration.  

The lame duck has decided to hibernate and encourage actions that are almost embarrassing in the courts.  

His lack of action is not surprising but we Americans suffer.

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