Monday, November 16, 2020

Whose Reality?

 It is amazing how we have peole viewing the same thing in completely different ways.  On one hand some people view things meant to protect them as Big Brother trying to run their lives.

Take financial reform.  Now this seems simple enough don't make bad loans guaranteed by the Government.  This of course leads to less people getting loans.  The people denied the loans don't see that as a good policy.  They see it as a way to keep them down.

Someone is keeping a lot of people down.  They have been told so by a New York neer do well real estate developer who comes across as one of them, although he never has been.

The "Deep State" is at fault and he is the savior.  Of course his efforts seem to benefit his friends mostly who be almost any account would represent "The Man".

Still didn't you see that tremendous tax cut!  Well it wasn't that much for you but his friends did a lot better.  Further yours is going to expire and theirs isn't but you might have got enough for a new applicane if you were lucky.  It was financed with deficit money but don't worry the new jobs will make up for it.  The jobs are coming, just trust me.

Its the same spiel that has worked for centuries.  

Sadly as silly as it seems, many simply believe this stuff.  If you argue with them you are the one out of touch.  You don't think it can last but there are plenty of countries that show it certainly can.

Look at how close the last electin was after four years of lies and failure to deliver.

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