Saturday, November 14, 2020

Stop Counting its Over!

 I was watching the news about the protests planned in DC today and one of the Trump supporters was asked by a newsperson why did all the major networks and media think Biden won the election.  Her answer was that just because people believe a lie doesn't make it true.

Well exactly but she is believing the greatest liar of our time and traveled to DC to support his lie.

I find it a bit ironic.

I also wonder what they thinnk marching to stop the counting is going to do since the counting shows Biden won and is effectively over.

I think they are convinced that people who voted by mail are not legitimate.

Still its going to be a sunny if chilly day and they get to walk.  Unfortunately they also seem anti-mask, guess they think that's another lie they don't believe.

I think the counter protesters should agree with stoping the counting.

Biden has already won.

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