Monday, November 9, 2020

More Democracy and Faster

 In four years we wil be doing this again and there is a chance, whatever it may be that we will have to deal with orange head again.

The odds of that are what they are and lots could happen but if he keeps tweeting he will still his followers.

However he may have other issues to deal with.

We should try to fix the electoral process, not becasuse it gives wrong results but because it could be a lot faster.

The States that don't precess mail in ballots until the day of the election should change that.

Early voting should be encouraged and made easier.

I would be in favor of an on-line voting system but I realize that would possibly have too many people convinced there would be fraud.

Of course the election should be based on the national popular vote, not this electoral college system that was designed to protect slavery.  There are ways to do that but it isn't goiing to just happen.

You have to want democracty which many really don't.

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