Thursday, November 5, 2020

Count, Of Course

 It is customary in this country that votes are counted by or in front of people from both of the major parties.  Legal votes are votes cast on or before election day by citizens.  When they arrive and get countered varies by state but after election day no one can vote.

So for an elected official to say stop the voting is meaningless.  It has stopped.  If you appoint someone to destroy the postal service you probably shouldn't complain about its performance.  The votes have to arrive, be examined and get counted.

This election will come to an end, maybe today, but the legal wrangling's may continue, although none of them seem likely to impact anything significant.  It certainly looks like we have elected a new president and the old one is refusing to accept it gracefully.

Well being the toddler he is, that's no surprise.

When the election is over states should look at their procedures and pass laws to use successful practices from other states.  Lets make this process better while its fresh in our minds.

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