Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Simple People

There are certain things people tell children that are actually lies.

We tell them there is this elf who at the end of the year judges if they have been good or bad and brings them rewards.

We also tell them about a fairy who takes their baby teeth and leaves a reward.

There's also a bunny who once a year likes to bring candy and treats in the spring.

As children get older they "grow" out of these myths when they ae told they are not true or figure it out.

Still there is an inherent gullibility that stays with many of us which is evidenced by all sorts of superstitions and beliefs that last into adulthood in many cases.

A certain percentage of the population has recently taken to believing in conspiracy theories, such as the moon landing was faked or we have aliens at an Air Force base.

We can now add the massive voter fraud conspiracy.

It isn't there, it never was yet we seem to have millions who just believe it.

Of course this is being repeared over and over again by the President on the internet and repeated by his loyalists in the media, at least some of them.

With no other evidence at all, they just believe it.  I wonder if they ever got the word on Santa?

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