Friday, November 6, 2020

Everyone Needs to Breathe

 The talking Pumpkin went on national TV and made allegations of voter fraud without any actual proof.

Apparently he doesn't trust local Republicans who have been observing the process and would prefer sending in his Proud Boys with guns to make sure things go his way.

They aren't and since he can see how the count and math are going we aren't going to see the Sequel, Pumpkin Head II.

For the next few weeks we will see him squirming about filing legal challenges left and far right but we all know the vote was fair and the count honest.

Well I guess some don't believe that but the deep internet conspiracies will continue to claim nefarious doiings.

In this world we rely on honest people to do their job.

This cynicism is probably the bane of this generation while racism dominates older white Americans..

I have high expectations that the next administration can bring some sanity back.

We all need a dose of it.

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