Saturday, November 28, 2020


 Watching the predicted winter outbreak of Covid 19 while so many in this country have become convinced its not even a real disease is driving home the point about repeating history.

The Spanish Flu ravaged the world almost 100 years ago in much the same way.  Eventually we developed herd immunity and it passed from an extremely deadly disease to just a deadly disease.

It lives on in various mutations and we accept the flu as simply an inconvenience mostly, unless of course it kills you.

Covid 10 is deadlier but it still spares most of its victims inflicting them with symptoms or in some cases not really.  It kills a fair number but still in the low percentages and it kills our weakest members generally.

It ravaged us for a while and then seemed to quiet down as the weather improved and we ventured out where infection is less likely.  Scientists warned us that it would come back in the fall, even stronger and it has.

Still our health has been politicized as our current President tried to convince us it wasn't something to worry about.

Too many believed him and so here we are.

Even where he is not believed we see Covid fatigue where people are just tired of the restrictions.

The numbers are not convincing people and apparently even getting it and dying from it are not always persuasive.

Its real, its deadly but we are doomed to repeat stupid mistakes because we are us.

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