It should be fairly simply to verify facts. Things happen, people witness them, reports are filed and we draw conclusions.
However somehow this has all been called into question. Lets be clear. Im not talking about opinion just facts.
We just had n election in which 150 million Americans, voted. We have the official results but a fairly large segment of the population thinks the numbers are wrong.
They base this on people opinions and when I say people they are significant people who argue the election was rigged and stolen from the the real winner.
Now American who should know better have perpetrated this lie for Political advantage of a sort.
We live in an age where our sources are not trusted by many.
It is true that technology would allow certain events to be fabricated, just look at CGI in movies, but real events where real witnesses saw what happened shouldn't be questioned without actual proof.
Media personnel want ratings or clicks and politicians want attention and votes. They have decided being outrageous works. We need to teach them it doesn't.