Thursday, March 18, 2021

Using Politics

 The problem I try to deal with is that spokespeople for Republicans seem determined to use attack to gain support.

This was the strategy they used when the Affordable Care Act was passed and it helped them bounce back in the following midterms.  That strategy has influenced the last few campaigns.  It is still their go to strategy.

it is simply to find things to attack in whatever the Democrats do and try to convince the American public.  Some of the things they attack are things out in because they supported them.  If the Democrats support something it is bad even if it was previously good.

One of the mistakes made in the past was they allowed Republicans to control the debate. That led to arguing over insignificant details instead of the real points.  That was partly because Obama wasn't really a politician as a do gooder.  While doing good is better, it doesn't win the political battles. 

The current President is also a do folder but an experienced politician.  You need both.

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