Monday, March 29, 2021

Fight For Justice

 Most people who feel the need to say I am not racist are very racist indeed.

They tend to say it just as they do something quite racist.  They may not realize that pushing for voter ID or supporting things like qualified immunity for police is racist, or maybe thy do, so they add the "I'm not racist" comment.

If you grew up in America its hard not to be racist.  Its primarily a problem among white people but it infects everybody to some extent.

Maybe this is starting to change but the fundamental problem is simple.  Many high crime neighborhoods were populated by poor Black people and many of them were exposed to few opportunities so they didn't et a good education, job opportunities were slim and they often fell into drug abuse and crime.  

There is an interesting dynamic here which is difficult to understand and/or change.  There is clearly a black culture that most white people do not share or even understand.  I don't really know if the sense of community they have from that is going to help integrate them into society.

Or maybe we should merge?  As long as our current attitudes stay the same racism will prevail.  

I don't expect racism to simply disappear.  Hopefully like other diseases we will wake up one day and be healed.  Until then don't ignore the symptoms, fight them.

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