Monday, March 15, 2021

What's The Story?

 If you pay too much attention to the media you will be in trouble.  It was probably always like this but it seems to have gotten worse in the internet age.

Each source is competing to get your attention.  This means they have to find a way to get your attention and that is generally via the use of headlines.

Think about this, in the slightly more than 50 days since the last election the administration has been pretty laser focused on fighting the virus and passing the stimulus bill  The news stories have been all over the place predicting and over how various factions were reacting.

In any given day you could read multiple sources about how it was going to pass or not going to pass using the same basic data.

Similarly the issue about the Governor of NY has been slowly evolving but the media has required every prominent person to express an opinion as to whether he should resign.  Sadly many have, despite the fact that an investigation is underway to determine the validity and extent of the accusations.

"The crisis at the border" is happening no although most of those children started out a while ago.  Once they get there they have to be put somewhere and the issue would simply be are they being treated humanly?  The fact that they are there is not changing.

Story after story gets updated by the main stream media and the rest although they all want to be main stream, whatever that means.

Some have clear agendas while some actually try to be reporters.  Hard to tell the difference often.

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