Friday, March 5, 2021

Putting up Roadblocks

 Watching the stalling tactics being used to delay the stimulus package shows you how the Republican party has turned into a clown show.  The issue is that they spread lies and misinformation via their captured Media.

This bill will actually stimulate growth and create jobs.  That will offset some of the debt but not in the first year.  

We can have a great decade of growth and opportunity with this bill to help the recovery and future bills to help infrastructure and conversion to renewable energy.

The Republican in the Senate have stood in the way of actual progress and aren't going to change their ways anytime soon.

The actual media can't ignore the issues and need to honestly point out the Neanderthal behavior they like to exhibit.    Neanderthals did quite well in their time but their time has gone and we need to move forward.

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