Saturday, March 20, 2021

Immigration Policy?

 How big a problem is immigration?  It depends on who you ask and where you are.

Latest data shows that attempted border crossings have increased 28% in the first month of the Biden administration.  We don't have enough data yet to know if that is the start of a trend of a one time blip based on people hearing about the relaxation of restrictions.

What I don't think everyone understands is that bringing people to the border from countries south of Mexico is  a business which is similar to travel agencies, if a bit less savory.

Not many people just decide to walk from Guatemala to the border on their own  It would be a long dangerous trip where robbery and rape are prevalent.  Organizers actively recruit for caravans and charge for the journey.  In some ways it mirrors our romanticized wagon trains of our pioneer days although generally not involving covered wagons.

It is an arduous journey and upon arrival most are not allowed entry.  Still the violence at home inspires them to do it and change their entire way of life, mostly so their children might have a better life.

This was the same motivation prior immigrants had.

The crisis is really for the people fleeing their homes due to violence and gangs.  The impact they have on this country is most noticeable near the borders and even there it isn't disastrous.  

To address this we need a immigration policy, not politics.  The economy is getting ready to rebound and we could use more workers.  It just needs to be a solution that Americans can support.

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