Saturday, March 13, 2021

Cancel or Rush to Judgement?

 I imagine the country will start to resemble some Asian countries as far as masks are concerned.  You will see people wearing masks, especially is crowed public places like you see in some Asian countries.

In fact considering the impact this had on the flu this year it seems like a worthwhile endeavor.

Is this going to change the nature of the country?  Some may say yes but the wearing of a mask is no different than wearing a scarf.  It isn't for everyone but why should it bother anyone?

We just saw another reference to cancel culture because the term itself is under attack.  Cancel culture as I understand it reflects the cancelling of a person because of a specially bad act, like having slaves or sexual misconduct.  It has come to include the elimination of offensive trademarks and mascots, such as Redskins or Aunt Jemima.

Noe of this is generally government actions except removing monuments or changing the names of public facilities.  

Of course some people actually get convicted of crimes, like say Bill Cosby so Iguess you can say he was cancelled.

Still, the loss of public support is not a Government action, it is the public reacting.

It is also possible that it could cause a mostly innocent person, like Al Franken to resign when he probably shouldn't have.

Rushing to judgement is seldom good but we can't seem to help ourselves.

Its just s hard to resist the constant press pressure to make a comment.

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