Thursday, March 11, 2021

Next the Future

 The economic stimulus plan passed on a partisan basis is likely to give the economy a tremendous economic boost.  This will lead to a period of growth that can potentially be sustained and help get the Government finances on track.

For this to be sustained the virus has to be contained and additional legislation needs to be passed.  Based on what we have just seen it doesn't seem very likely that things will become very bipartisan any time soon so we may be in a bit of a holding pattern until either the next election changes the dynamic or we tinker with the filibuster.

I suppose it is also possible that we will see a change where bills are worked out via compromise and then passed but that just seems like it doesn't play into today's politics.

Infrastructure and climate change are two things that should be bipartisan but the second has been politicized.

Transforming the country into a renewable energy future challenge some significant financial interests.

Not so much the coal miners who unfortunately are dependent on a dying industry but Oil and Gas producers who have a lot more clout.  They won't of course go away quickly or quietly but the writing is on the wall.

Enough politicians have been bought and paid for to make progress a challenge.

It is something we have to do and the sooner the better.  Our children need it for their future. 

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