Sunday, March 28, 2021

Rushes to Judgement

 Remember when you used to worry about things being on your permanent record?  In the past this was generally a lie or the permanent record was locked away and un available. 

Now of course we are finding our that everything that was ever recorded in a document or newspaper may in fact constitute a permanent accessible record that might come back to bite you someday.

Certainly everything you ever did on the internet is available.

Some of this old stuff is being  used to "cancel" people.

They really can't be cancelled but we now live in a society where it can pop up as if you just did it and ruin an opportunity or cause you to be harassed.  In addition we now live in a culture where people won't be interested in your side of the story and quickly judge you.

I'm not talking about really bad things you might have done, just stupid things young people do.

Ever go to a party and have your picture taken in something inappropriate?

Can come back when you least expect it.

Maybe when you read about someone doing something years ago you should take a second to consider what it is before rushing to judgement.  Its only fair.

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