Sunday, March 21, 2021

Fact Based Opinions

 There are politiians in this country opposed to making changes unless of course the changes are desired by their corporate sponsors.

Being friendly to business is not the problem, being unfriendly to everyone else is.

For example opposing renewable energy because it will hurt an energy company that donates to you is putting the short term benefit to donor above the needs of everybody else.  

Possibly an argument might be made that in the very short term the short sighted policy might be better or not worse.  However, clearly the world needs to reduce polluting the earth we all live on and time is starting to run out.

Some continue to ignore the science and if this is an honest opinion I can respect that if they can in fact support it with factual data and not just political BS.

I was on an on-line forum and one participant wanted to know why liberals didn't believe or respect conservatives?  This is the sort of crap you see on conservative media all the time.  I listen and resect every conservative position that is backed up by data

However I will not accept claims like their was widespread voter fraud.  Not even sure why this is a conservative position, seems nonsensical since there is no evidence at all.  Their were allegations but allegations need some proof behind them.

I don't respect or give much credit to opinions that are simply based on political spin.  Take the border.  We can all agree it needs to be fixed.  It is not based on some Democratic plot to disrupt this country.  Similarly the Covid 19 issue is real and science supports us taking precautions like wearing masks.  If you choose not to do so because you don't believe the science i really would like to see your evidence.

If all you have is Democrats want it so it must be bad, try again.

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