Sunday, March 7, 2021

The Mob has decided! -Guilty!

Maybe I'm not familiar with how the law is being applied by the mob.  I do realize that the Governor has a reputation of being a bully with just about everyone so that might be wrong but its not sexual harassment.  It is also apparent that he isn't the most aware person.

However when I consider the alleged remarks and actions he is accused of I don't come up with much.

Now it is I imagine possible that he was being flirty but none of the accuser claim he asked them for any sexual favors.  In general they don't accuse him of touching them inappropriately with the exception of the one who claims he kissed her as she was leaving.

This behavior would rise to the level of a warning and maybe a refresher course on how to behave.

Somehow being shown a presidential memento is so life altering that she needed therapy and probably remuneration.

If a young women finds herself alone with an older man who engages her in chat, she may very well honestly suspect something that isn't really there.

Feeling, not knowing that the older person wants to have sex with you is not enough.  He might ask inappropriate questions which could simply be bad conversational skills or something else.

He may have been "fishing" to "groom" them but nothing happened and nothing continued.

Of course at this point every news person is trying to find more cases and certainly willing to take any remembrance of anything at all like harassment as proof.

I'd be curious what the official investigation concludes although it is pretty certain it will conclude some sort of guilt.

Still curious what the law is on saying to a plane full of people, "Let's play strip poser to pass the time!".  Take away his joke telling license?

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