Friday, March 12, 2021

Meritocracy and Democracy!

 The next big thing that this country needs to do is to guarantee the right to vote which is under attack in many places.

Citizens have the right to pick their leaders in a Democracy, not some of the people but all of them.  Further each vote should count equally which is another issue we have to face.

There are people in this country convinced that Democracy is ba for them.  Perhaps they realize that it will lead to policies they don't like.  Of course in a Democracy that happens.  Not everyone can get what they want but they might be able to influence the outcome.

There are changes in demographics going on that one side views as threatening.  If you rely on having privileges and opportunities at the cost of your neighbors that could change.  As the "in" group expands you may have to prove your actual merit.

Who you are and where you came from is not important in a meritocracy or a democracy.  What you can do and how well you do it matters.

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