Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Government Intrudes

 Government does regulate our behavior.  You can't commit crimes, speed or engage in any number of other activities that they prohibit.  

You also have to file taxes, renew registrations and perform jury duty if called.

In the world of business it is even worse requiring various licenses, inspections and reporting responsibilities.

Most place you require permits or licenses to do things like hun, fish or transport.

This is the way it has to be in a modern society.

Violate these rules and you are likely to pay a price.  Yu may in fact lose your freedom.

Imposing a mask mandate is not any worse.  You already have to wear clothes that cover certain parts of your body in public.  

Consider te fact that the Government has now installed tremendous numbers of surveillance cameras.  Some of that has to do with things like tolls or violations of speed or red lights but many others seem intrusive on their face.

Add to that the number of private "security" cameras around and we live in a goldfish bowl.

I'm not saying this is bad, but it is certainly intrusive and much more relevant than whether Pepe Le Pew can continue molesting that cat.  Of course the cat isn't real but neither is the skunk.

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