Monday, March 22, 2021

Obstruct or Help, Simple Choice.

 Americans want things to happen and we care more about moving forward than what party controls things.  The previous President got elected aer his opponent failed to convince enough traditional voters she was going to help them going forward.  He didn't promise much and delivered much less but he proposed things lie a border wall and revival of manufacturing and coal.  None of that is much changed, even symbolically and enough Americans realized that, especially after the virus hit, that he lost and lost significantly.

We now have a President who in the very early part of his administration has delivered a significant stimulus bill that looks like it will give the economy the signifcant boost it needs.  He has also improved the vaccine rollout and started to reduce that risk.  There are still many challenges and Americans want him to address them.

One of the impediments to that is the recalcitrance from Republicans who have no real agenda except to cause issue that they can blame on the President. They failed to embrace the stimulus and the Covid problem so they now are trying to attack his health.

He is clearly doing fine in that area and everybody can see. I wonder sometimes if Republican's actually go out much?  They rely on polls that tell them what they want to hear more than reality.

Since the election everybody except the white supremacists are feeling better about things.  They can be part of the process addressing immigration, clean energy, infrastructure, human rights or they can try to obstruct.  The choice is theirs. 

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