Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Jobs Is More Important

 If you think about our history, at least since 1900, prosperity has followed when Government has increased spending.  The Great Depression was really only resolved after great amounts of money were added to the economy via the New Deal.  It wasn't until the World War that we saw prosperity because we wouldn't spend enough.

Perhaps our greatest period of prosperity, when we started paying off the National Debt from the World War was when we continued to spend on Defense and also had our largest infrastructure project, the Interstate Highway system.

Once we slow down the spending  the results aren't so great.

Trickle down has never worked, give the money directly to those who need it and will spend it does.

Simply put a dollar provided to a rich person doesn't go directly into the economy, some gets invested, some gets saved and while some jobs may be created it is not in response to demand.

Give the money to those who need it and will spend it and demand for products will skyrocket and in response jobs will be created and the economy will grow.

Growth solves a lot of problems with the potential of inflation.

Its a risk worth taking over all.

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