Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Work the Issues

 We have important things that need to be done for this country and we need to keep focus on them. 

First is control the virus which actually seems to be happening.  Let me make one point clear.  The people who work for this country never stopped and it wasn't an overnight sensation.  However in just a little over one month we have utilized the Government resources to get the solution on track and things are certainly looking better.  The virus may have a few more tricks up it sleeve but vaccines are becoming available and things are moving along.

Second is pass the relief bill.  We need this to help thos hurt by the crisis to have a chance to get back to hopefully even.  This also looks promising and while there are some politics left it is likely to pass soon.

Third is climate.  We already know that a significant amount of damage has already happened.  The Green new Deal needs to be refined and maybe renamed.  Some climate actions have already passed but only via executive action.  we need to push for climate control as maybe our number ne issue after the economy.

The economy looks set to take off and with the stimulus growth could be extraordinary.  American industry needs to build products for the future, not the past.  Renewable energy can go a long way but the solutions need to be as bipartisan as possible.  

There are many other issues but especially over the next two years we need to address these major problems and show the American people what a future America can be.  

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