Friday, March 19, 2021

Sometimes Its Really Just a Joke

 There is one thing you can say about every human being, they aren't perfect.

Whether you are a religious person or not, humans are likely to be imperfect make mistakes and otherwise screw things up.  Of course they also get things right and the general idea is to get more things right, fix the things you get wrong and move on.

There is also a difference between actual bad behavior and somewhat incidental bad behavior.  If someone stops you with a weapon and steals your wallet there is little doubt that is bad.  Someone who finds your misplaced wallet on the street and decides to keep the cash is also wrong but not as wrong as the first person.  Clearly the right thing to do would be to return it intact but the second person was more passively guilty as opposed to the actual thief.

Lets consider the sort of issues we see today where bad things may be done without intent.

Unfortunately if you grew up in this country you were likely exposed to bad stereotypes at a young age.  Maybe by your family, maybe at school but unless you lived in a bubble you were exposed.

Some nationalities were cheap, others lazy, some were bad drivers etc. etc.  During our formative years we tend to soak these things up as we inherently are learning how to be people.

We also were likely taught certain facts about genders, If you didn't learn at home you learned in public as we saw women depicted on TV as homemakers and irresponsible.  Think Lucy and Ethel, although Alice Kramden was the common sense one if she did risk a trip to the moon.

Did anyone think Ralph was guilty of harassment? 

The older you are the more inaccurate (or maybe accurate for the time) depictions you dealt with.

So if someone who's a bit older says to a plane full of people that they can play strip poker maybe its just a joke.  

Not everything is complicated. 

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