Monday, March 1, 2021

Parties are Factions

 I don't really care about the Republican party.  I also don't care about the Democratic party.  Parties are not really good for democracy but we have engrained them into our existence.  

Ideally our Representatives would stand for things like integrity and excellence and vote for issues based on their merits.  Issues would of course be backed by interest groups but each Representative should be just that, a Representative.

For example I can certainly imagine a pre life representative who was also fiscally conservative.  In our current system they are precluded by party hegemony.

There has been a growing trend of people dropping party affiliation and registering as independents.  We haven't seen that translate into a lot of independents in the Congress or the Senate.  The ones there are really still affiliated with parties.

So much of our politics had devolved into the fact that every issue is divisive.  I suppose we see a few signs of independence but they are few and far between.  

It transfers power into fewer and fewer hands which is just not how democracy should work.

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