Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Not Many Facts, Lots of Opinions

 I browse the various headlines and stories everyday to try to see what is going on.  Its not a really accurate outcome much of the time.

The news has become very politicized and internet providers tend to publish items that get the most "clicks".  Traffic determines how much they get for ads and that is how they prosper.

So some of the most outrageous headlines are going to make the pages while others that are more accurate don't.

After a while you realize certain sources are simply so biased as to be unreliable.  I generally don't click on things from FOX news, the headlines are enough and I don't really care about the people highlighted who spew opinions.  

Of course it becomes a bit like twitter since I see one of them said something outrageous while other media points that out.  They all benefit from using his name to get clicks whether good or bad.

Similarly the articles covering Andrew Cuomo are popular even when there is no new news.  Today there were multiple article written about a letter that was never issued that would have "attacked" the first accuser.  We also know he reportedly likes to talk about his hand size although that is only reported by one accuser so far.

We see a lot about the crisis or non-crisis at the border and apparently the fact that there has been a bit of an upsurge in people coming has eliminated our country since the borders are permeable.  I guess there was no country for most of the 19 century when immigration was so easy.

Meanwhile in the real world we see a lot of progress in the country and the possibility of more.  Whether anything can pass with the filibuster is another big question.  Something may or may not happen there.  We are still getting everyone's opinion.

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