Saturday, March 6, 2021

Economy Jump Start

 It seems to me that the Republicans view the current stimulus bill as something akin to the Affordable Care Act of the Obama administration, something they can use to attack the current administration and win back the Senate and the House in two years.

The Democrats failed in the PR battle after it was passed and allowed some fairly minor points to dominate the public debate.  The bill became unpopular and led to a resurgence of Republicans, allowing them to grab many statehouses and proceed to Gerrymander. 

It turns out that upon reflection and a few minor changes the bill is quire popular with the public and hasn't led to all the dire predictions. To some extent it still has to overcome some challenges but I think even Republicans don't want it overturned at this point.

They are unanimous in opposition to the Covid Relief act but they may be miscalculating. The public sees it as needed and the areas that they plan to attack will be harder to depict as damaging to the country.  

It is moving quickly towards passage on a party line vote and I suspect they will attack it for increasing the deficit.  That's not a particularly convincing argument for them at this time and there is a reasonable chance it will truly jump start our economy into the type of growth we need to increase the tax base.

Something trickle down neve did. 

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