Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Get Religion out of Politics

 How can we assure that Democracy in America prevails?  It doesn't in many areas already and some are working hard to suppress it in others.

There are people who see this country as a White, Christian country and will do all they can to maintain that.  It is primarily that but this country was founded on the idea that you can be anyone you want and practice any religion. Now when we start to see that threatened we see the white nationalists and anti immigrant feelings exposed.

Before we colonized the America's in the 16th and 17th century it was not a Christian area.  The Native Americans had some religious beliefs but Christianity was confined to one part of the world.  In fact it was one of the reasons people justified their behavior of conquest and enslavement to "civilize" the savages.

We can pretend that being Christian is somehow equivalent to being a kind and accepting person but history does not support that.  Even now we object to people who are also Christian but not the exact same type of Christian.

In many parts of the world the dominant religion is part of the political structure.  To some extent it is here also if not as officially as in say Iran.  Many would like it to be.

Suppressing the votes of those who don't believe the "right" way is is some ways acceptable to them.  Its how to keep the country oppressive the way they want it to be.

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